s an international student, managing your finances can be difficult. However, with some fundamental preparation and comprehension, you will have sufficient cash for utilities. Here are some tips and tricks that will help you manage your expenses wisely and will save you from going broke every time you spend your money.
1. Get a local bank account
The first and the most important thing is a bank account. Opening a bank account in your new country is the most important step towards your financial survival. Services vary from bank to bank, so choose the service that offers the greatest benefit to the students and avoid charging high fees for international bank transfers.
2. Remember your budget
It is important to know your current financial situation and develop a practical budget plan. You should include factors such as rent, utility bills, groceries, transportation, data charges, recreation, study materials, and travel. It would be wise to set aside a certain amount each month for emergencies.
3. Time to get smarter
Studying abroad is expensive, but a wise plan can help you survive very easily. Understand what you need and want and the best way to do that is to create a priority list. Find a way to save your money and use it wisely. You can also reduce your daily costs in the following simple ways:
- Share accommodations
- Get a student discount card
- Buy used books and digital copies
- Participate in the library
- Shop from sale
- Buy at the community store
4. Strive to maintain a lifestyle
In most countries, you can work up to 20 hours per week and full-time during vacations. Check if your student visa allows you to work and find a job accordingly. Keep in mind that you may have to pay some tax on your income. So, check the new country's regulations for international students.
5. Use your student ID.
Get your student ID as soon as possible. This card helps you get discounts in restaurants, shops, movie tickets, transportation, and various cultural events. In fact, there are many websites that offer great student discounts on events and purchases, so be sure to check them out!
6. Know what to do, and where to go
Understand which activities cost you more than you can afford. If you are tight on your budget, limit your shopping sprees and avoid eating at fancy restaurants.
7. Learn to cook.
Why not? Spend your food budget and buy fresh produce to cook at home. You can save 30% to 50% of your food budget! If you have less time, cook large portions and store them in the refrigerator. Reheat it every day so you don't have to cook it and eat it later.
8. Explore places
Each destination is full of amazing places to explore and enjoy, and believe it or not, most are available for a free or nominal price. Find these places, get together as a group and go exploring!
9. Ride a bike
If the campus is close enough, why go by car? Rather, use a bike. This will save you money on commuting and is a healthier choice.
Why choose Sharda University?
Sharda University, Greater Noida, is one of the best institutions in the country for foreign students. The university provides various student pro plans that can help foreign students manage their expenses wisely.
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