oday in this blog we will discuss the top five trends in higher education in detail. Through this changing world, we have seen many innovations and initiatives in all areas of life. Significant changes have taken place in the education sector as well. Today let’s talk about some of the trends in higher education, how do they affect us and their impact on all fields.

  1. Role of artificial intelligence

The role of technology in higher education is not only about equipping students but also includes access to quality education. It should help to overcome time and space constraints to promote lifelong learning opportunities for all while promoting curiosity and collaboration. And, the technology that helps in achieving these is artificial intelligence (AI).

A report predicted that AI would be increasingly used by “human educators to provide feedback on student work and assist with other ‘teaching assistant’ applications, noting that” technology could have programs to refine language translation and improve access for students with visual or hearing impairments.

Since entering the higher education sector, AI has caused a stir due to the way it is changing the manner things are done in the field. Understandably, there is a strong hope that emerging technologies will make and deliver workflows and processes that have been tedious and lengthy.

Already, many universities and colleges are using AI to load critical academic and administrative tasks, improve enrollment, and enhance student learning skills. For example, the Georgia Institute of Technology uses AI to simplify the functions of teaching assistants (Korn, 2016). The centre uses an assistant called Jill Watson to answer repeated questions sent by students in a high-level AI class.

2. Internet learning

Online learning is a broad term that encompasses other learning styles, such as integrated reading and learning. It is a small section of digital learning that simply means using online learning tools.

NGDLE is “creating a revolution in the way institutions build their learning environments for students and faculty,” emphasizing open standards, a report said. As a result, both students and teachers will have more freedom to try new educational methods.

This type of learning takes place in non-traditional settings, enabling students to engage in learning, regardless of time, distance, or location. In other words, the teacher and the student do not have to be in the same room to learn what happened. The online learning environment, as well as technological advances, explains the reasons why it is so prevalent.

3. Diversity in the field of higher education

Diversity can be seen everywhere. But, diversity in the context of higher education has been explained in this paragraph. Universities and colleges are tasked with promoting student achievements and preparing for the competition for staff. Finally, institutions should strive to promote academic excellence and reduce gaps in opportunities by building a wide range of recruitment campuses (U.S. Department of Education, 2016). Besides, educators should recognize the educational value of racial and ethnic diversity and work to eliminate barriers to appropriate diversity.

That being said, while many colleges and universities claim to have a clearly defined commitment and diversity, only a few are committed to the dynamics of this discourse. Suffice it to say, in the 1980s, coloured students made up 17.33% of all undergraduate students (National Institute for Mathematical Education, 2019).

In the 1990s, however, institutions of higher learning began to see the need to expand educational opportunities for students of all backgrounds. As a result, the number of coloured students in the U.S. increased to 29.6% in 1996. Since then, this figure has maintained an upward trend (45.2% in 2016), which is a bold statement of diversity efforts (American Council on Education, 2019)

4. The impact of real reality on education

Virtual reality (VR) or real reality is widely regarded as a game changer when talking about trends in higher education. Not surprisingly, the education sector was expected to attract a second VR-related investment in 2018 (Perkinscoie, 2018). We have generally witnessed the wide use of virtual reality in gaming.

As technologies evolve, teachers are increasingly looking at ways to incorporate VR into teaching methods because of the benefits it offers students (Yu, Ally, & Tsinakos, 2020). Increased engagement and motivation and exploratory learning and content form the support provided by VR. Using VR for in-depth learning, especially in the scientific and medical fields, creates powerful responses that give students a far-reaching and lasting impact.

5. Privacy and security

Who does not want to maintain his/her privacy in this digital world? This is the most common issue and has been mentioned many a time. Where is the line between giving personalized answers and not disturbing the student with the amount of confidential information at the university? For example, McCulloch cites Elana Zeide of August 26, 2019, the EDUCAUSE Review article, “AI in Higher Ed: Requests, Promise and Risks, and Ethical Questions.” He notes that “data mining using AI raises concerns not only about privacy but also about the company’s impact and unintended consequences due to implicit, impartial, and inaccurate information or information.”

The growth of mathematics in higher education, in turn, has opened the doors for students to become more important. Here, the report advises that “institutions will need to be more proactive in protecting student and staff data and must make more informed decisions about data sharing with other organizations, retailers and governments.”

 Access to information is appealing, but it also creates an impression. At Sharda University, efforts are made to ensure that the latest trends in higher education are implemented to help students reach their full potential.

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