ello Everyone in today’s blog we will discuss about Major Challenges in Adopting Online Education. With the advent of the global health crisis in 2020, educational institutions along with several other organisations closed their doors to the physical entry of people due to strict lockdowns and social distancing norms enforced by governments all over the world. This had disrupted academic and economic activities around the world. But soon, online education and working from home became the new normal in the latter part of the year.

Students in many of the developing countries of Asia and Africa have been introduced to online classes. And, this has caused some unprecedented obstacles that a major part of the educational infrastructure of these developing countries was not equipped to deal with. Let us look at some of the key challenges of adopting online education and how such developing countries can overcome them.

Challenges of online education and e-learning

Some of the African countries like Kenya have conducted detailed studies and research into the causes of challenges that have affected the process of e-learning and online education in developing countries and found that during the years from 2012 to 2014, the major challenges were infrastructural. For example, the lack of consistent internet connectivity, sufficient computers or laptops, and the lack of human competencies in technological skills were the main challenges of adopting online education in Kenya. Although such countries have come a long way since 2014, they have now developed the base for online education via distance education courses.

Even so, with the current situation that speaks of the lack of modern educational infrastructure in most of the rural parts of these countries, the adoption of regular online education has become quite challenging.

Modern problems related to online education

Even when we do not consider the geographical, logistical or technological shortcomings that pose as major challenges to online education, there are several other social, psychological, and cultural challenges that make the adoption of regular online classes quite a challenge. In many cases, online courses fail to be creative and innovative enough to keep students engaged with their studies. This is true in some cases for self-paced distance learning courses that do not tie the student down with close deadline for finishing course modules. This also fails to instil the qualities of discipline in students.  Furthermore, the lack of social interaction with peers and classmates is another aspect where online education severely falls short in the overall personal development of the student.

Why choose online education at Sharda University?

The online courses at India’s Sharda University have to a great extent engineered comprehensive and innovative pathways around such obstacles. They provide foreign students with a unique academic experience with easy to use online educational portals and student resources. Moreover, Sharda University focuses on the development of students within a curriculum that is target based and pokes at the natural inquisitiveness of the youth. In this way, the several online courses available at Sharda University overcome infrastructural infringement issues and ensure that foreign students have access to a high quality of education.

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